Interactive Medical Simulation Toolkit
1 # Scene
3 ## Overview
5 The `Scene` defines a flat collection of `SceneObject`s and fully represents the virtual environment. `SceneObject`s may be a surgical tool, a tissue, OR table, a leg, light, or even non-visual objects. A simple visual object can be added to the `Scene` as:
7 ```cpp
8 auto scene = std::make_shared<Scene>("MyScene");
10 auto myObject = std::make_shared<SceneObject>("MyObject");
11 auto visuals = myObject->addComponent<VisualModel>();
12 // visuals->setGeometry(<my geometry here>);
13 scene->addSceneObject(myObject);
14 ```
16 iMSTK contains an entity-component (ECS) model that is still a work in progress. Whilst objects/entities represent whole concepts such as a `tool` or `table`. A component represents a **swappable** part of the object/entity such as the legs of a table or reciprocation of a saw tool. ECS's are common in many game engines for modularity and flexibility. One may subclass Component or Behaviour to add new functionality.
18 ## Entity/SceneObject
20 Whilst iMSTK is in the middle of an ECS refactor. The SceneObject represents and object in the scene. It stems from Entity providing an optional visual geometry and a `TaskGraph` to introduce `TaskNode` steps to the scene `TaskGraph` that is run during advacement of the scene.
22 Many types stem from SceneObject eventually to be moved to `Component`s, here's a full list of those types:
24 - **SceneObject**: Provides an object with a visual geometry and empty virtual update function. Geometry is optional.
25 - **CollidingObject**: Provides an object with both visual and colliding geometry.
26 - **PbdObject**: Provides a PbdModel governing its physics.
27 - **RigidObject**: Provides a RigidBodyModel governing its physics.
28 - **RigidObject2**: Provides a RigidBodyModel2 governing its physics.
29 - **FemDeformableObject**: Provides a FemModel governing its physics.
30 - **SPHObject**: Provides a SPHModel governing i
31 - **LevelSetDeformableObject**: Provides a LevelSetModel governing its physics.
33 ### Component
35 An entity (`SceneObject` base) is made of many components. A component represents a data-only part of an entity. It does no function, has an initialization, and a reference to the entity it is part of. Components can be placed on/off entities/objects whenever. One can extend to hold relevant data and use elsewhere.
37 ```cpp
38 class MyComponent : public Component
39 {
40 public:
41  Mat4d myTransform = Mat4d::Identity();
42 };
43 ```
45 ### Behaviour
47 A `Behaviour` is a `Component` that has function. Generally only recommend for small independent bits of logic. Anything that involves multiple components, call order, lots of communication, or multiple `Entity`'s may need its own system such the VTKRenderer or Scene. Alternatively the TaskGraph can be used.
49 ```cpp
50 class MyBehaviour : public Behaviour
51 {
52 public:
53  void update() override {} // Called per SceneManager::update (Scene::advance)
54  void visualUpdate() override {} // Called per VTKViewer::update
55 };
56 ```
58 It is safe to assume the physics system is complete before entering any components. See more in the computational flow section.
60 ## Initialization of the Scene
62 Initialization of the scene and the things in it is done as follows:
64 - Initialize `Scene`
65  - Initialize all `SceneObject`'s of the `Scene`
66  - Initialize all `Component`'s of every `SceneObject` in the `Scene`
67  - If any `Component`s are introduced during `Component::initialize`, they are initialized too
68  - Initialize all the `DynamicalModel`'s used by `SceneObject`'s in the `Scene`
69  - Build the `TaskGraph` of the `Scene`
71 ## Advancement of a Scene
73 Normally the `Scene` would be given to the `SceneManager` to run and `VTKViewer` to render. These would be apart of `SimulationManager`. However, one is able to advance the scene at their own timestep by using:
75 ```cpp
76 scene->initialize(); // Must be initialized first
77 scene->advance(0.001); // Timestep to advance by
78 ```
80 Update order is as follows:
81 - Update all `SceneObject`s and `Behaviour`s on them.
82 - Update all `TaskGraph` nodes (including physics steps).