Interactive Medical Simulation Toolkit
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Controllers take device input and do something with it. A variety of predefined controls exist in iMSTK as well as some base classes for users to extend their own.

Virtual Coupling

A common iMSTK control is the PbdObjectController, used to couple a tool to a 3d tracking device.

auto controller = myPbdObject->addComponent<PbdObjectController>();

This class applies virtual coupling. Virtual coupling takes a physical and virtual position and couples them with a linear and angular spring.

Virtual coupling diagram

The spring is kept very tight. But loosening can be used. With a spring when a virtual body contacts a plane extremely large forces are not produced to stop it. Instead a spring is used and the force gradually increases from zero. This creates the ideal haptic experience. The spring used also applies a damper. That damper can be overriden but is automatically determined with critical damping.

kd = 2.0 * sqrt(mass * ks);

In an ideal system (one that isn't discretized) this represents a spring that would only cross zero once.

Ghost Rendering

In the below gif one can see the physical tool with a transparent rendering, and the opaque with the virtual tool.

Virtual coupling in action

To quickly do this in iMSTK one can add a ObjectControllerGhost to an entity and provide it the controller. Fade in can be set to fade opacity with a growing force.

// Add extra component to tool for the ghost
auto controllerGhost = lapTool->addComponent<ObjectControllerGhost>();

Force Text Rendering

It can often be useful to see the forces experienced by the user. This can be done easily by adding a ControllerForceText component.

auto controllerForceTxt = lapTool->addComponent<ControllerForceText>();

Control Abstract Classes

Provided in iMSTK are MouseControl, KeyboardControl, & TrackingDeviceControl. These are abstract base classes inteded for users to subclass and implement their own control via overrides.

class CustomMouseControl : public MouseControl
CustomMouseControl(const std::string& name = "CustomMouseControl") : MouseControl(name) { }
void OnButtonPress(const int key) override { }
void OnButtonRelease(const int key) override { }
void OnScroll(const double dx) override { }
void OnMouseMove(const Vec2d pos) override { }
void main()
// In main we could set it up like so:
auto control = mySceneObject->addComponent<CustomMouseControl>();

While subclassing is preferred. C++ lambdas may also be used for fast prototyping. Not recommended at scale:

void main()
connect<KeyEvent>(viewer->getKeyboardDevice(), &KeyboardDeviceClient::keyPress,
[&](KeyEvent* e)
if (e->m_key == '1')