Interactive Medical Simulation Toolkit
Mesh and Scene IO are backed by VTK and assimp along with a couple custom readers. All geometry can read/write through MeshIO.
The VisualObjectImporter is for importing more complex objects in the scene that cannot be described by a single geometry. This may involve multiple separable meshes, materials, textures, etc. Or even hierarchically defined meshes with multiple parts (it will flatten). It supports reading 3ds, obj, fbx, and dae. It can be used as follows:
File Format | Extension | IO | Backend | Geometry |
VTK | .vtk | read/write | VTK | PointSet , LineMesh , SurfaceMesh , TetrahedralMesh , HexahedralMesh |
VTU | .vtu | read/write | VTK | TetrahedralMesh , HexahedralMesh |
VTP | .vtp | read/write | VTK | SurfaceMesh |
Stereolithic | .stl | read/write | VTK | SurfaceMesh |
Polygon | .ply | read/write | VTK | SurfaceMesh |
Nearly Raw Raster Data | .nrrd | read/write | VTK | ImageData |
NIFTI | .nii | read/write | VTK | ImageData |
Meta Image | .mhd + .raw | read/write | VTK | ImageData |
Joint Photo Experts Group | .jpg or jpeg | read/write | VTK | ImageData |
Portable Network Graphics | .png | read/write | VTK | ImageData |
Bitmap | .bmp | read/write | VTK | ImageData |
Wavefront | .obj | read | Assimp | LineMesh , SurfaceMesh |
Collada | .dae | read | Assimp | LineMesh , SurfaceMesh |
Filmbox | .fbx | read | Assimp | LineMesh , SurfaceMesh |
Autodesk 3ds | .3ds | read | Assimp | LineMesh , SurfaceMesh |
Vega | .veg | read/write | VegaFEM | TetrahedralMesh , HexahedralMesh |
GMSH | .msh | read/write | iMSTK | LineMesh , SurfaceMesh , TetrahedralMesh , HexahedralMesh |
is the only format that supports read/write of 3d images with linear offsets.