9 #include "imstkGeometryAlgorithm.h" 10 #include "imstkMath.h" 35 void setInputMesh(std::shared_ptr<SurfaceMesh> mesh);
36 std::shared_ptr<ImageData> getOutputImage()
43 imstkGetMacro(BorderExtent,
50 imstkGetMacro(Dimensions,
const Vec3i&);
62 Vec3i m_Dimensions = Vec3i(-1, -1, -1);
63 int m_BorderExtent = 1;
64 bool m_CheckManifold =
imstkSetMacro(BorderExtent, int)
Get/Set a border around the generated image of pixel amount border exists outside of bounds...
void setReferenceImage(std::shared_ptr< ImageData > refImage)
Optional input, used for information (dimensions, spacing, etc)
Abstract base class for geometry algorithms. GeometryAlgorithms take N input geometries and produce N...
void setDimensions(int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
The dimensions of the image to generate.
void requestUpdate() override
Users can implement this for the logic to be run.