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imstk::TaskGraph Class Reference

Base class for TaskGraph, a collection of TaskNode's. Maintains nodes, adjacencyList, and invAdjacencyList. More...

#include <imstkTaskGraph.h>

Public Member Functions

 TaskGraph (std::string sourceName="Source", std::string sinkName="Sink")
std::shared_ptr< TaskNodegetSource () const
std::shared_ptr< TaskNodegetSink () const
TaskNodeVector & getNodes ()
 Get the nodes belonging to this graph HS This is bad, there are algorithms that change the nodes of the graph from the outside.
const TaskNodeAdjList & getAdjList () const
 Get the edges belonging to this graph.
const TaskNodeAdjList & getInvAdjList () const
 Get the inverse edges belonging to this graph.
TaskNodeVector::iterator findNode (std::string name)
 Linear search for node by name within this graph.
TaskNodeVector::const_iterator findNode (std::string name) const
TaskNodeVector::iterator findNode (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > node)
 Linear search for node within this graph.
TaskNodeVector::const_iterator findNode (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > node) const
bool containsNode (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > node) const
 Check if node exists in this graph.
TaskNodeVector::iterator endNode ()
 Returns the start of the node container.
TaskNodeVector::const_iterator endNode () const
TaskNodeVector::iterator beginNode ()
 Returns the start of the node container.
TaskNodeVector::const_iterator beginNode () const
bool addNode (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > node)
 Adds a node to the graph, returns if successful. Returns false and fails if node already exists in graph.
void addNodes (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< TaskNode >> &nodes)
 Adds a series of nodes at the same time Use with {} initializer for easier graph construction.
std::shared_ptr< TaskNodeaddFunction (std::string name, std::function< void()> func)
 Creates a node for the function, adds it to the graph.
bool removeNode (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > node)
 Removes node from the graph and all relevant edges Returns false and fails if node is not present in graph.
bool removeNodeAndRedirect (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > node)
 Removes node from the graph and all relevant edges. Any incoming edges to the node are redirected to all its outputs.
void insertAfter (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > refNode, std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > newNode)
 newNode gets placed after refNode & added to the graph. newNode takes on refNode's outputs
void insertBefore (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > refNode, std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > newNode)
 newNode gets placed before refNode & added to the graph. newNode takes on refNode's inputs
bool containsEdge (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > srcNode, std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > destNode) const
 Returns whether or not this graph contains the given directed edge.
void addEdge (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > srcNode, std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > destNode)
 Adds a directed edge to the graph both the source and target have to exist in the graph.
void addEdges (const std::vector< std::pair< std::shared_ptr< TaskNode >, std::shared_ptr< TaskNode >>> &edges)
 Adds a series of directed edges {source, target} to the graph both the source and target of the edge have to exist in the graph.
void nestGraph (std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > subgraph, std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > source, std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > sink)
 Attaches another TaskGraph as a subgraph (copies nodes and edges, then connects source->subgraph::source, subgraph::sink->sink), source and sink must exist in this graph. Also serves as a graph sum between this and subgraph.
void removeEdge (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > srcNode, std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > destNode)
 Removes an edge from the graph (removes from adjList and invAdjList, cleans)
bool isReachable (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > srcNode, std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > destNode)
 Returns true if srcNode reaches destNode.
void clear ()
 Removes all nodes & edges from the graph. Source and sink nodes maintained.
void clearEdges ()
 Removes all edges from the graph.

Static Public Member Functions

static std::shared_ptr< TaskNodeList > topologicalSort (std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > graph)
 Graph sum, shared references are considered identical nodes, source/sink of results invalidated/nullptr. More...
static std::shared_ptr< TaskGraphtransitiveReduce (std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > graph)
 Remove redundant edges. Removal is such that all vertices are still reachable and graph goes from source->sink returns nullptr if failed. Only fails if graph is cyclic.
static std::shared_ptr< TaskGraphremoveRedundantNodes (std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > graph)
 Removes nullptr/nonfunctional TaskNode's that don't split/join.
static std::shared_ptr< TaskGraphreduce (std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > graph)
 Simplifies the graph in a way that retains functionality Performs transitive reduction then redundant node removal to remove redundant nodes and edges.
static std::shared_ptr< TaskGraphremoveUnusedNodes (std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > graph)
static bool isCyclic (std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > graph)
 Returns if Graph is cyclic or not.
static TaskNodeNameMap getUniqueNodeNames (std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > graph, bool apply=false)
 Nodes may not have unique names. Iterates the names with numeric postfix to generate uniques.
static std::unordered_map< std::shared_ptr< TaskNode >, double > getNodeStartTimes (std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > graph)
 Gets the completion times of each node (source = ~0s)
static TaskNodeList getCriticalPath (std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > graph)
 Computes the critical path.

Protected Attributes

TaskNodeVector m_nodes
TaskNodeAdjList m_adjList
 This gives the outputs of every node.
TaskNodeAdjList m_invAdjList
 This gives the inputs of every node.
std::shared_ptr< TaskNodem_source = nullptr
std::shared_ptr< TaskNodem_sink = nullptr

Detailed Description

Base class for TaskGraph, a collection of TaskNode's. Maintains nodes, adjacencyList, and invAdjacencyList.

Definition at line 61 of file imstkTaskGraph.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ topologicalSort()

std::shared_ptr< TaskNodeList > imstk::TaskGraph::topologicalSort ( std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph graph)

Graph sum, shared references are considered identical nodes, source/sink of results invalidated/nullptr.

Topological sort of all nodes within graph

Definition at line 415 of file imstkTaskGraph.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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