Interactive Medical Simulation Toolkit
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imstk::OctreeNodeBlock Struct Reference

The OctreeNodeBlock struct This is a data structure to store a memory block of 8 tree node at a time Using a block of 8 nodes at a time can reduce node allocation/merging/slitting overhead. More...

#include <imstkLooseOctree.h>

Collaboration diagram for imstk::OctreeNodeBlock:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

OctreeNode m_Nodes [8]
OctreeNodeBlockm_NextBlock = nullptr
 Pointer to the next block in the memory pool.

Detailed Description

The OctreeNodeBlock struct This is a data structure to store a memory block of 8 tree node at a time Using a block of 8 nodes at a time can reduce node allocation/merging/slitting overhead.

Definition at line 300 of file imstkLooseOctree.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: