| ArcNeedle (const std::string &name="ArcNeedle") |
void | setArc (const Vec3d &arcCenter, const Mat3d &arcBasis, double arcRadius, double beginRad, double endRad) |
const Mat3d & | getArcBasis () const |
| Get the basis post transformation of the rigid body.
const Vec3d & | getArcCenter () |
| Get the arc center post transformation of the rigid body.
const double | getBeginRad () const |
const double | getEndRad () const |
const double | getArcRadius () const |
| Needle (const std::string &name="Needle") |
PunctureMap & | getPunctures () |
bool | getInserted () const |
| Get if inserted at all.
virtual Vec3d | getNeedleDirection () const |
| Returns direction at needle tip.
virtual Vec3d | getNeedleTip () const |
void | setPuncture (const PunctureId &id, std::shared_ptr< Puncture > data) |
| Get/Set puncture data.
std::shared_ptr< Puncture > | getPuncture (const PunctureId &id) |
void | setState (const PunctureId &id, const Puncture::State state) |
| Get/set puncture state. This can be done through data too but this supports the allocation of new puncture data should you query a non-existent puncture.
Puncture::State | getState (const PunctureId &id) |
const std::string & | getName () const |
void | setName (const std::string &name) |
std::weak_ptr< Entity > | getEntity () const |
| Get parent entity.
void | initialize () |
| Initialize the component, called at a later time after all component construction is complete.
std::shared_ptr< LineMesh > | m_needleGeom |
Mat3d | m_arcBasis = Mat3d::Identity() |
Vec3d | m_arcCenter = Vec3d::Zero() |
double | m_arcRadius = 1.0 |
double | m_beginRad = 0.0 |
double | m_endRad = PI * 2.0 |
PunctureMap | m_punctures |
std::string | m_name |
std::weak_ptr< Entity > | m_entity |
| Parent entity this component exists on.
| Component (const std::string &name="Component") |
virtual void | init () |
| Initialize the component, called at a later time after all component construction is complete.
Definition at line 15 of file imstkArcNeedle.h.
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