| VTKOpenVRViewer (std::string name="VTKOpenVRViewer") |
void | setRenderingMode (const Renderer::Mode mode) override |
| Setup the current renderer to render what's needed based on the mode chosen.
void | setActiveScene (std::shared_ptr< Scene > scene) override |
| Set scene to be rendered.
std::shared_ptr< OpenVRDeviceClient > | getVRDeviceClient (int deviceType) |
| Get one of the device clients for VR.
const std::list< std::shared_ptr< OpenVRDeviceClient > > & | getVRDeviceClients () const |
| Acquire the full list of VR devices tied to this viewer.
void | processEvents () override |
| VTKOpenVRViewer overrides to provide a non-rendering event processing loop (to deal with vsync blockage)
Mat4d | getPhysicalToWorldTransform () |
| Get/Set Transform to physical space This would be useful if you needed a permanant space transformation such as meters to mm.
void | setPhysicalToWorldTransform (const Mat4d &physicalToWorldMatrix) |
Renderer::Mode | getRenderingMode () const override |
| Get the current renderer mode.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow > | getVtkRenderWindow () const |
| Get pointer to the vtkRenderWindow rendering.
void | setSize (const int width, const int height) override |
| Set the render window size.
void | setWindowTitle (const std::string &title) override |
| Set the render window title.
void | setUseVsync (const bool useVsync) override |
| Set whether to vertical sync. Sync framerate to the refresh of the monitor.
virtual void | setBackgroundColors (const Color color1, const Color color2=Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), const bool gradientBackground=false) override |
| Set the coloring of the screen background If 'gradientBackground' is false or not supplied color1 will fill the entire background.
void | setVtkLoggerMode (VTKLoggerMode loggerMode) |
| Set the logger mode.
std::shared_ptr< VTKRenderer > | getActiveVtkRenderer () const |
| Retrieve the renderer associated with the current scene.
std::shared_ptr< Scene > | getActiveScene () const |
| Get scene currently being rendered.
void | setDebugAxesLength (double x, double y, double z) |
| Set the length of the debug axes.
void | setSize (Vec2i size) |
virtual const Vec2i | getSize () const |
std::shared_ptr< Renderer > | getActiveRenderer () const |
| Retrieve the renderer associated with the current scene.
virtual void | setInfoLevel (const int level) |
| Set the info level, usually means display framerates and other viewer related information.
int | getInfoLevel () const |
| Get the current info level.
virtual const int | getInfoLevelCount () const |
| Get the number of info levels for a viewer, varies on implementation.
std::shared_ptr< ScreenCaptureUtility > | getScreenCaptureUtility () const |
| access screen shot utility
virtual std::shared_ptr< KeyboardDeviceClient > | getKeyboardDevice () const |
| Returns the device that emits key events.
virtual std::shared_ptr< MouseDeviceClient > | getMouseDevice () const |
| Returns the device that emits mouse events.
double | getVisualFps () const |
virtual const std::string | getTypeName () const =0 |
| Returns collision detection type string name.
| SIGNAL (Module, preUpdate) |
| Posted before updateModule is called.
| SIGNAL (Module, postUpdate) |
| Posted after updateModule is called.
| SIGNAL (Module, end) |
| Posted when module wants to end.
double | getDt () const |
| Get/Set the time step.
void | setDt (const double dt) |
bool | getInit () const |
| Get whether the module is initialized yet.
bool | getPaused () const |
| Set/Get whether the module is currently paused.
void | setPaused (const bool paused) |
void | setMuteUpdateEvents (const bool mute) |
| Set/Get whether the module should post pre/post update events.
bool | getMuteUpdateEvents () const |
ExecutionType | getExecutionType () const |
| Set/Get the execution type (see imstk::ExecutionType)
void | setExecutionType (const ExecutionType type) |
void | setSleepDelay (const double ms) |
double | getSleepDelay () const |
void | pause () |
void | resume () |
void | init () |
void | update () |
void | uninit () |
template<typename T > |
void | postEvent (const T &e) |
| Emits the event Direct observers will be immediately called, in sync Queued observers will receive the Command in their queue for later execution, reciever must implement doEvent.
template<typename T > |
void | queueEvent (const T &e) |
| Queues event directly to this.
void | doEvent () |
| Do an event, if none exists return.
void | doAllEvents () |
| Do all the events in the event queue.
void | foreachEvent (std::function< void(Command cmd)> func) |
| Thread safe loop over all event commands, one can implement a custom handler.
void | rforeachEvent (std::function< void(Command cmd)> func) |
| thread safe reverse loop over all event commands, one can implement a custom handler
void | clearEvents () |
| Removes all events from queue cleans up copies of the event.
std::list< std::shared_ptr< OpenVRDeviceClient > > | m_vrDeviceClients |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow > | m_vtkRenderWindow |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkInteractorStyle > | m_vtkInteractorStyle |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkCallbackCommand > | exitCallback |
bool | m_useVsync = false |
std::unordered_map< std::shared_ptr< Scene >, std::shared_ptr< Renderer > > | m_rendererMap |
std::shared_ptr< Scene > | m_activeScene |
std::shared_ptr< Entity > | m_debugEntity |
std::shared_ptr< Camera > | m_debugCamera |
std::shared_ptr< ScreenCaptureUtility > | m_screenCapturer |
| Screen shot utility.
std::shared_ptr< ViewerConfig > | m_config |
int | m_infoLevel = 0 |
| Info level.
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point | m_pre |
| time point pre-rendering
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point | m_post |
| time point post-rendering
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point | m_lastFpsUpdate |
| time point for last framerate display update
double | m_visualFps = 0.0 |
double | m_lastFps = 0.0 |
std::atomic< bool > | m_init = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(false) |
std::atomic< bool > | m_paused = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(false) |
double | m_dt = 0.0 |
ExecutionType | m_executionType = ExecutionType::PARALLEL |
bool | m_muteUpdateEvents = false |
double | m_sleepDelay = 0.0 |
ParallelUtils::SpinLock | eventQueueLock |
std::deque< Command > | eventQueue |
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::vector< Observer > > > | queuedObservers |
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::vector< Observer > > > | directObservers |
Definition at line 28 of file imstkVTKOpenVRViewer.h.