Interactive Medical Simulation Toolkit
Mathematical model of the physics governing the dynamic deformable object. More...
#include <imstkFemDeformableBodyModel.h>
Public Types | |
using | kinematicState = FeDeformBodyState |
using | System = NonLinearSystem< SparseMatrixd > |
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enum | StateUpdateType { Displacement, Velocity, DeltaDisplacement, DeltaVelocity, None } |
Type of the update of the state of the body. | |
Public Member Functions | |
void | configure (const std::string &configFileName) |
Configure the force model from external file. | |
void | configure (std::shared_ptr< FemModelConfig > config=std::make_shared< FemModelConfig >()) |
bool | initialize () override |
Initialize the deformable body model. | |
void | loadInitialStates () |
Load the initial conditions of the deformable object. | |
bool | loadBoundaryConditions () |
Load the boundary conditions from external file. | |
bool | initializeForceModel () |
Initialize the force model. | |
bool | initializeMassMatrix () |
Initialize the mass matrix from the mesh. More... | |
bool | initializeDampingMatrix () |
Initialize the damping (combines structural and viscous damping) matrix. | |
bool | initializeTangentStiffness () |
Initialize the tangent stiffness matrix. | |
bool | initializeGravityForce () |
Initialize the gravity force. | |
bool | initializeExplicitExternalForces () |
Initialize explicit external forces. | |
void | computeImplicitSystemRHS (kinematicState &prevState, kinematicState &newState, const StateUpdateType updateType) |
Compute the RHS of the resulting linear system. | |
void | computeSemiImplicitSystemRHS (kinematicState &stateAtT, kinematicState &newState, const StateUpdateType updateType) |
Compute the RHS of the resulting linear system using semi-implicit scheme. | |
void | computeImplicitSystemLHS (const kinematicState &prevState, kinematicState &newState, const StateUpdateType updateType) |
Compute the LHS of the resulting linear system. | |
void | computeSemiImplicitSystemRHSAndLHS (kinematicState &prevState, kinematicState &newState, const StateUpdateType updateType) |
Compute the RHS and LHS of the resulting linear system using semi-implicit scheme. | |
void | computeImplicitSystemRHSAndLHS (kinematicState &prevState, kinematicState &newState, const StateUpdateType updateType) |
Compute the RHS and LHS of the resulting linear system using fully-implicit scheme. | |
void | updateDampingMatrix () |
Update damping Matrix. | |
void | applyBoundaryConditions (SparseMatrixd &M, const bool withCompliance=false) const |
Applies boundary conditions to matrix and a vector. | |
void | applyBoundaryConditions (Vectord &x) const |
void | updateMassMatrix () |
Update mass matrix Note: Not supported yet! | |
void | updatePhysicsGeometry () override |
Updates the Physics geometry. | |
void | updateBodyStates (const Vectord &solution, const StateUpdateType updateType) |
Update states. | |
void | updateBodyIntermediateStates (const Vectord &solution, const StateUpdateType updateType) |
void | updateBodyPreviousStates () |
Update the previous states given the current state. | |
System::VectorFunctionType | getFunction () |
Returns the "function" that evaluates the nonlinear function given the state vector. | |
System::UpdateFunctionType | getUpdateFunction () |
Get the function that updates the model given the solution. | |
System::UpdatePrevStateFunctionType | getUpdatePrevStateFunction () |
System::MatrixFunctionType | getFunctionGradient () |
Returns the "function" that evaluates the gradient of the nonlinear function given the state vector. | |
System::VectorMatrixFunctionType | getFunctionAndGradient () |
Returns the "function" that evaluates the nonlinear function and its gradient function given the state vector. | |
Vectord & | getContactForce () |
Get the contact force vector. | |
Vectord & | getUnknownVec () |
Returns the unknown vectors. | |
std::vector< std::size_t > & | getFixNodeIds () |
Returns the unknown vectors. | |
virtual void | setTimeStep (const double timeStep) |
Set the time step size. | |
virtual double | getTimeStep () const |
Returns the time step size. | |
void | setFixedSizeTimeStepping () |
Set the time step size to fixed size. | |
void | enableFixedBC () |
Set the fixed BC implementation state. | |
void | disableFixedBC () |
bool | isFixedBCImplemented () const |
std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > | getSolveNode () const |
void | setForceModelConfiguration (std::shared_ptr< FemModelConfig > fmConfig) |
Get/Set force model configuration. | |
std::shared_ptr< FemModelConfig > | getForceModelConfiguration () const |
void | setInternalForceModel (std::shared_ptr< InternalForceModel > fm) |
Get/Set internal force model. | |
std::shared_ptr< InternalForceModel > | getInternalForceModel () const |
void | setTimeIntegrator (std::shared_ptr< TimeIntegrator > timeIntegrator) |
Get/Set time integrator. | |
std::shared_ptr< TimeIntegrator > | getTimeIntegrator () const |
void | setUpdateType (const StateUpdateType &updateType) |
Get/Set the update type. | |
const StateUpdateType & | getUpdateType () const |
std::shared_ptr< SolverBase > | getSolver () const |
Get/Set the solver pointer. | |
void | setSolver (std::shared_ptr< SolverBase > solver) |
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DynamicalModel (DynamicalModelType type=DynamicalModelType::None) | |
std::shared_ptr< FeDeformBodyState > | getInitialState () const |
Return the initial state of the problem. | |
std::shared_ptr< FeDeformBodyState > | getCurrentState () const |
Return the current state of the problem. | |
std::shared_ptr< FeDeformBodyState > | getPreviousState () const |
Return the previous state of the problem. | |
void | resetToInitialState () override |
Reset the current state to the initial state. | |
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std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > | getTaskGraph () const |
const DynamicalModelType & | getType () const |
Get the type of the object. | |
void | setModelGeometry (std::shared_ptr< Geometry > geometry) |
Sets the model geometry. | |
bool | isGeometryValid (const std::shared_ptr< Geometry > geometry) |
Checks if the given geometry is a valid geometry type for the model. | |
std::shared_ptr< Geometry > | getModelGeometry () const |
Gets the model geometry. | |
void | initGraphEdges () |
Initializes the edges of the graph. | |
std::size_t | getNumDegreeOfFreedom () const |
Get/Set the number of degrees of freedom. | |
void | setNumDegreeOfFreedom (const size_t nDof) |
virtual void | setTimeStepSizeType (const TimeSteppingType type) |
Get/Set the type of approach used to update the time step size after every frame. | |
TimeSteppingType | getTimeStepSizeType () const |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | initializeEigenMatrixFromVegaMatrix (const vega::SparseMatrix &vegaMatrix, SparseMatrixd &eigenMatrix) |
Initialize the Eigen matrix with data inside vega sparse matrix. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | initGraphEdges (std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > source, std::shared_ptr< TaskNode > sink) override |
Setup the computational graph of FEM. | |
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AbstractDynamicalModel (DynamicalModelType type=DynamicalModelType::None) | |
Protected Attributes | |
std::shared_ptr< SolverBase > | m_solver = nullptr |
std::shared_ptr< InternalForceModel > | m_internalForceModel = nullptr |
Mathematical model for intenal forces. | |
std::shared_ptr< TimeIntegrator > | m_timeIntegrator = nullptr |
Time integrator. | |
std::shared_ptr< NonLinearSystem< SparseMatrixd > > | m_nonLinearSystem = nullptr |
Nonlinear system resulting from TI and force model. | |
std::shared_ptr< FemModelConfig > | m_FEModelConfig = nullptr |
SparseMatrixd | m_M |
Matrices typical to a elastodynamics and 2nd order analogous systems. More... | |
SparseMatrixd | m_C |
Damping coefficient matrix. | |
SparseMatrixd | m_K |
Tangent (derivative of internal force w.r.t displacements) stiffness matrix. | |
SparseMatrixd | m_Keff |
Effective stiffness matrix (dependent on internal force model and time integrator) | |
Vectord | m_Finternal |
Vector of internal forces. | |
Vectord | m_Feff |
Vector of effective forces. | |
Vectord | m_Fcontact |
Vector of contact forces. | |
Vectord | m_Fgravity |
Vector of gravity forces. | |
Vectord | m_FexplicitExternal |
Vector of explicitly defined external forces. | |
Vectord | m_qSol |
Vector to maintain solution at each iteration of nonlinear solver. | |
std::shared_ptr< vega::VolumetricMesh > | m_vegaPhysicsMesh = nullptr |
Mesh used for Physics. | |
std::shared_ptr< vega::SparseMatrix > | m_vegaMassMatrix = nullptr |
Vega mass matrix. | |
std::shared_ptr< vega::SparseMatrix > | m_vegaTangentStiffnessMatrix = nullptr |
Vega Tangent stiffness matrix. | |
std::shared_ptr< vega::SparseMatrix > | m_vegaDampingMatrix = nullptr |
Vega Laplacian damping matrix. | |
std::vector< std::size_t > | m_fixedNodeIds |
Nodal IDs of the nodes that are fixed. | |
StateUpdateType | m_updateType = StateUpdateType::DeltaVelocity |
Update type of the model. | |
bool | m_damped = false |
Viscous or structurally damped system. | |
bool | m_implementFixedBC = true |
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std::shared_ptr< FeDeformBodyState > | m_initialState |
Initial state. | |
std::shared_ptr< FeDeformBodyState > | m_currentState |
Current state. | |
std::shared_ptr< FeDeformBodyState > | m_previousState |
Previous state. | |
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DynamicalModelType | m_type |
Mathematical model type. | |
std::size_t | m_numDof |
Total number of degree of freedom. | |
std::shared_ptr< Geometry > | m_geometry = nullptr |
Physics geometry of the model. | |
std::set< std::string > | m_validGeometryTypes |
Valid geometry types of this model. | |
TimeSteppingType | m_timeStepSizeType = TimeSteppingType::Fixed |
std::shared_ptr< TaskGraph > | m_taskGraph = nullptr |
Mathematical model of the physics governing the dynamic deformable object.
Definition at line 59 of file imstkFemDeformableBodyModel.h.
bool imstk::FemDeformableBodyModel::initializeMassMatrix | ( | ) |
Initialize the mass matrix from the mesh.
Definition at line 318 of file imstkFemDeformableBodyModel.cpp.
protected |
Matrices typical to a elastodynamics and 2nd order analogous systems.
Mass matrix
Definition at line 295 of file imstkFemDeformableBodyModel.h.