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Coding Guide


This guide collates best practices from a variety of sources, while some of these express a certain taste we want the items that are covered here to be consistent across iMSTK.

Coding style is not only limited to the actual formatting but also to things like the naming of functions or variables, or the use of certain c++ features or patterns. By being consistent in these we make development for iMSTK easier for ourselves and others as names and patterns are reused across the code base.

While the text of this guide is mostly culled from the OpenSurgSim coding guide the following resources were used to create and refine the style

How to apply these standards

  • When working with existing code, fix its shortcomings as necessary.
  • When extending code created externally to the project (e.g. VTK, Eigen), try to remain consistent with the naming conventions of the external code.
  • Be flexible and reasonable. If the best thing for code readability is to violate these guidelines, please do so but that is rarely the case.
  • When in doubt, ask someone else for a second opinion.

Layout, white space and comments

First and foremost, be reasonable and pay attention to clarity. White space and comments are to aid in code readability, not detract from it.


  • Use uncrustify to fix the formatting before you submit a merge request, the CodeFormatEnforcer target will correct all formatting issues.


  • In general, the code should be made as self-documenting as possible by appropriate name choices and an explicit logical structure.
  • All comments should be written in US English, be spelled correctly, and make grammatical sense.
  • Use doxygen style comments.


    /// \brief Does foo and bar.
    /// Does not do foo the usual way if \p baz is true.
    /// Add reference to implemented papers 
    /// Typical usage:
    /// \code
    ///   fooBar(false, "quux", Res);
    /// \endcode
    /// \note Take care not to create a division by zero
    /// \param quux kind of foo to do.
    /// \param [out] result filled with bar sequence on foo success.
    /// \throws if a division by zero occurs
    /// \returns true on success.
    /// \warning missing feature 
    fooBar(bool baz, StringRef quux, std::vector<int>& result);
  • Prefer using // for all embedded comments, including multi-line comments, using /*, */ prevents the use of that style comment around it.


    // Comment spanning
    // more than one line.
  • Document responsibilities and background rather than what the code does, especially inline. The code should be readable and its details shouldn't need documentation.

    Example :

    /// \class Viewer
    /// \brief Base class for viewer that manages render window and the renderers
    /// Creates backend-specific renderers on a per-scene basis.
    /// Contains user API to configure the rendering with various back-ends
  • Extensive comment blocks should generally only be used to explain the "rationale" behind an algorithmic choice or to explain an algorithm.

  • When using formulas from published work, add a reference to the work to the documentation

  • Doxygen supports inline MathJax use it to write out formulas in critical algorithm implementations.

  • ///< Can be used to create a comment within a line

int m_complexVar; ///< The sum of all things
* ///@{ and ///@} can be used to group entries, for example when functions are overridden
/// Sets the point of interest
void setPoint(const Eigen::Vector3d& p);
void setPoint(double x, double y, double z);

Naming conventions

General naming conventions

Consistent naming enables users to guess names and once they are familiar, correctly named functions and variables also should enhance readability of the code


For the purpose of this document we use the following convention

  • PascalCase: used for classes, enum constants
  • camelCase: used for function and variable names,
  • MACRO_CASE: used for macros and defines


  • Names representing types should be in PascalCase.

    Example: Line, SurfaceMesh

  • Variable names should be in camelCase, class member variable should be prefixed with m_.

    Example: line, surfaceMesh, m_surfaceMesh

  • Named constants (including enumeration values) must be all MACRO_CASE.


    • Avoid named constants in public interfaces.
  • Macro names follow the same rules as constants.

  • All macro names should be prefixed with IMSTK_ this prevents clashes with macros imported from other projects
  • Names representing methods or functions should be verbs and written in camelCase.

    Example: getName(), computeTotalWidth()

  • Names representing template types should usually be a single uppercase letter, use descriptive nouns when it adds to clarity

    template <class T>

    template <int N, class C, typename D>

  • Abbreviations and acronyms should use mixed case when used as a part of a name.

    exportHtmlSource(); (NOT: exportHTMLSource();)

    openDvdPlayer(); (NOT: openDVDPlayer();)

  • Data members in a class should have names starting with "m_".

    class SomeClass { private: int m_length; }

  • Data members in a data-only struct should not start with "m_". As the purpose is to access member variables of structs prefixing those with m_ makes the code less readable

struct SomeStruct { int a, int b}

  • All names should be written in US English and spelled correctly.

    fileName (NOT: imeDatoteke)

  • Variables with a large scope should have long (and descriptive) names; iteration variables with a short scope can have short names (i, j, ...).

  • The name of the object is implicit, and should be avoided in a method name.

    segment.getLength(); (NOT: segment.getSegmentLength();)

    curve.getSegmentLength(); (this is OK, method name doesn't refer to the object)

  • Rule for namespace names is same as type names.

  • Top level namespace for iMSTK code is imstk.

  • Highly math based code is an exception to the naming rules, to maintain correspondence with published formulas, appropriate variable names may be used, be that single letter variables or capitalized, e.g. the implemented formula may use F and f and so should the code. The documentation in these cases should include references to the published work

Specific naming conventions

  • Plural form should be used on names representing a collection of objects.

    vector<Point> points;

    int values[];

  • The prefix "num" should be used for variables representing a number of objects.

    numPoints (NOT: nLines and NOT: nbLines)

  • Iteration variables of any integer type should be called i, j, k etc.

    • Variables named j, k etc. should be used for nested loops only.
  • Variables that represent iterators for short loops may be abbreviated to "it"

    for (vector<Foo>::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) ...

    • Use more expressive names when using multiple iterators in the same construct

    • Generally prefer ranged based for loops over iterators

  • Accessors and modifiers must start with "get" and "set".

  • Accessors that return boolean must start with an interrogative such as "is" or "are".

  • Try to use complementary names for complementary operations.

    • get/set, add/remove, create/destroy, start/stop, insert/delete, increment/decrement, old/new, begin/end, first/last, up/down, min/max, next/previous, old/new, open/close, show/hide, suspend/resume, etc.
  • Try to avoid abbreviations in names.

    • Do not abbreviate common words:

    Write command, not cmd, copy, not cp, point, not pt, compute, not comp

    • Do use acronyms that have become more common than their expansions, at least in the jargon of the problem domain:

    Write HTML, not HypertextMarkupLanguage, or CPU, not CentralProcessingUnit

  • Do not encode the type of the variable in the name

    Line* line; (NOT: Line* pLine; and NOT: Line* linePtr;)

  • Avoid negated boolean names.

    bool isSuccess or bool isError (NOT: isNoError)

    bool isMissing or bool wasFound (NOT: wasNotFound)

    It is not immediately apparent what !isNotFound means.

  • Enumeration should use class identifiers, and enum Constants should use PascalCase

    enum class Color { None = 0, Red, Green, Blue, MaxColors };

    If the final enumeration value is used only to track the number of other values, it should be named Max<type>s; this is clearer than <type>Max.


Free functions and member functions

  • Use "()", not "(void)", for an empty argument list.

void foo(); (NOT: void foo(void);)

  • Methods overriding virtual methods from a base class should be declared as override only (virtual keyword omitted).


class Y : public X
    void complain() const override;
  • Declare arguments as const when appropriate.

  • Declare member functions as const when appropriate.



  • Type conversions should be done explicitly.

    floatValue = static_cast<float>(intValue); (NOT: floatValue = intValue;)

  • Do not use old style casts. NOT: (float)intValue.

  • Be aware that numeric values can overflow/underflow when using static_cast. You may need to verify the new type can hold the result.

  • Be aware that arithmetic can result in invalid or wrapped values. You may need to verify the result will be within a valid range before performing arithmetic.

  • We prefer using integer values that match the processor's word size: size_t for unsigned values and ptrdiff_t for signed values.

  • In Standard Library, size_type corresponds to size_t, and difference_type corresponds to ptrdiff_t.

  • In Eigen::Index and Eigen::DenseIndex corresponds to ptrdiff_t.

  • auto use when the type is clear, or can't be written out


  • Variables should not have dual meaning.

    • Do not reuse the same variable for a different role.
  • Use of global variables should be minimized. The use of a global across modules is an indication of a design flaw.

  • Avoid declaring class data members (class variables) public.

  • Variables should be declared in the smallest scope possible.


  • In a for loop, the initialization, condition and update should contain only loop control statements.


    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    // NOT: for (int i = 0, sum = 0; i < 100; i++)
  • Avoid "do-while" loops.

  • In order prefer

    • algorithms
    • range based for loops
    • index acces


  • Avoid including side effects in conditionals.


    File* fileHandle = open(fileName, "w");
    if (!fileHandle)
    // NOT: if (!(fileHandle = open(fileName, "w"))) ...
  • when dealing with pointers the following is an acceptable use within if

if (auto ptr = getPtr())
in this case the body of the if statement will only be executed if the ptr variable converts to true (i.e. is != nullptr) this replaces
PtrType* ptr = getPtr();
if (ptr != nullptr)


  • Ideally all or most member variables should be initialized after the constructor has run

  • Note that Eigen matrices do not initialize to 0 the default constructor intentionally leaves the content at a random value

  • Prefer the default member initializer over constructor initialization, this is safer when multiple constructors need to be implemented and reduces the footprint of the member initializer list.


class A
    int m_a = 5;
class A
    A() : m_a(5) {}
    int m_a;


  • Avoid the use of magic numbers in the code. Consider declaring numbers other than 0 and 1 as named constants instead.

  • Avoid any obviously bad programming practices (goto, default-int, etc).

  • In C++ code, use nullptr instead of NULL or 0.

  • Use portable code constructs, that is code which will compile correctly under gcc and VisualStudio.

  • Use shared_ptr, unique_ptr, and weak_ptr for dynamically allocated classes.


  • We expect to have no compiler warnings.

Std Library use

  • Prefer std::vector over all other containers, "When choosing a container, remember vector is best; Leave a comment to explain if you choose from the rest!" C++20 standard.

Smart Pointers

Smart Pointers are a very useful feature of C++11, but sometimes we use them too much to manage memory, while this is correct this may cause of an overuse, especially when needing to pass objects into other functions. When smart pointers are used to indicate ownership things become somewhat clearer and it is easier to decide on how to pass the given object. See the CPP Core Guidelines Resource Management especially R.20 - R.37 for more information

  • Use smart pointer types to indicate owner ship

  • unique_ptr expresses single ownership, the holder lifetime determines the owned objects lifetime

  • shared_ptr expresses shared ownership, the lifetime of the held object is the lifetime of all holding objects
  • weak_ptr expresses no ownership it is only an observer of an object with shared ownership, use it to break cycles of shared_ptr

Under this aspect, use:

  • unique_ptr and shared_ptr to indicate ownership
  • Take smart pointers as parameters only to indicate lifetime semantics
    • A Widget& or Widget* is non owning, use when no transfer of ownership is occurring
    • Take a unique_ptr<Widget> to express that a function assumes ownership of the widget
    • Take a unique_ptr<Widget>& to express that the function reseats the widget
    • Take a shared_ptr<Widget> to express that the function is part owner
    • Take a shared_ptr<Widget>& to express that the function might reseat the shared pointer


Source files

  • C++ header files should have the extension .h. Source files should have the extension .cpp, files defining inlined functions and templates should end in -inl.h

  • Don't leave code in the header unless it is intended for inlining. In general there is no need to inline functions. Inline only when they are small, say, 10 lines or fewer. See Google Style/Inline Functions.

  • A class should be declared in a header file and defined in a source file where the name of the files match the name of the class.

    • Filenames can freely use camelCase. Don't create file names (or class names) that differ only in capitalization.
  • Unless absolutely necessary, have one .h file and one .cpp or -inl.h file per class, and only one class in each file.

  • Don't put any implementations after the class body.

Include files and #include statements

  • Header files must #pragma once as include guard.

  • Include statements must be located at the top of a file only.

    • Except -inl.h files should be included at the end of the .h file.
  • Include statements should be sorted and grouped so items are easy to find.
    • A typical approach:
      • First the .h file with the same name as the .cpp, followed by a blank line.
      • Then the includes from iMSTK, in alphabetical order, followed by a blank line.
        • Any headers included from iMSTK should use "".
      • Then the includes from outside of iMSTK, grouped by library, in alphabetical order, followed by a blank line.
      • Standard library includes e.g, <vector> should come last and use <> delimiters

Example: ```

include "MyClass.h"

include "MainWindow.h"

include "PropertiesDialog.h"




* When possible use forward class references but don't use forward references to other projects this may cause unintended side-effects see

## Git Repository

* Git commit messages should follow the convention described [here]( Basically:
Short one line description, 50 characters or less

A blank line, followed by a detailed description. The longer description should be wrapped at 72 characters. ```

  • Prefix messages with one of the following
    • BUG: Fix for runtime crash or incorrect result
    • COMP: Compiler error or warning fix
    • DOC: Documentation change
    • ENH: New functionality
    • REFAC: Rework of existing functionality
    • PERF: Performance improvement
    • TEST: Test change
    • STYLE: No logic impact (indentation, comments)
    • WIP: Work In Progress not ready for merge

Message Level Semantics

  • DEBUG, Use at your discretion.
  • INFO, Informational, notify of state changes. Example a file was successfully loaded
  • WARNING, Something failed, but the impact of the failure is not know or minimal (e.g. purely visual). Example: The iteration limit was exceeded
  • SEVERE, Something failed and will impact functionality, some parts of the program will not function correctly. Example: NaN was found in a calculation result, where none was ever expected
  • FATAL, Used by assertion, after using this level the program will not be functional at all. Example a nullptr was passed where not null was expected

Error Handling

A function that fails to do its job due to invalid input parameters or a violation of constraints should not do so silently, just printing a warning is not sufficient

Prefer to use CHECK() or LOG(FATAL) and abort in most cases, a CHECK as per glog definition is a contract, if the contract is violated the program will not be able to execute correctly. There is no point in proceeding, examples here are, nullptr passed where that is not acceptable if you think that the error should not force the system to shut down, use LOG(WARNING) but in this case the function that failed needs to provide a method that indicates to the user that a failure occurred (e.g. returning false). Note that the latter will more likely cause more code to be written as now return values will have to be checked.