Interactive Medical Simulation Toolkit
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NimstkCompound Geometry
 CAccumulationBufferClass to accumulate values for determining a rolling average note that the buffer will be filled with 0 at initialization, therefore the average will ramp up slowly as the buffer is filled
 CChartVisualModelClass for graphing 2d charts, only supports 2d data
 CDeformableObjectScene objects that can deform
 Cequal_toTest if two points are the same or not by comparing their id and coordinates
 CFemurObjectThe FemurObject implements a localized marching cubes. That is we've split up an image into a bunch of chunks. Our model reports on which voxels of the image were modified, we supply this to the local marching cubes and it will update only the respective chunks
 ChashReturns a hash value for a PointEntry
 CImagePolyDataMaskThis filter generates a binary mask from input surface mesh. Optionally one may provide a reference image for which to use its spacing, origin, dimensions It can also work with some geometry that is non-manifold, but results are ambiguous
 CInflatableObjectInflatable object based on PBD, with inflatable volume and distance constraints
 CKeyboardSceneControllerThis is the base class for keyboard based controls You can construct this and observe it or subclass and override to implement controls
 ClessThis method is defined to allow for the map to be properly indexed by Texture objects
 CLoggerLazy initialized singleton
 CNeedleEmbedderImplements PBD embedded tissue handling for when the needle is embedded in the tissue
 CNeedleInteractionDefines interaction between NeedleObject and PbdObject
 CNeedlePbdCHSurface collision disabled upon puncture
 CPbdBodyToBodyConstraintPoint normal constraint betweent two bodies. Separates two bodies along the provided normal past the two contact points
 CPbdConectiveTissueConstraintGeneratorThis class takes in three pbd objects. The first two represent the bodies that the user wants to connect and the third is the line mesh representation of the connective tissue that is generated using the ConnectiveStrandGenerator filter. The class then generates a set of constraints that connect the ends of the connective strands to the associated organ. The process assumes that the tips of the strands are coincident with the surface of the two pbd objects being connected
 CPbdPointToBodyConstraintResolves a point on body to a vertex with linear and angular movement
 CRbdAngularLockingConstraintConstrains the orientation to some fixed orientation
 CRbdAxesLockingConstraintConstrains the body center of mass to a fixed axes
 CRbdLineToPointTranslationConstraintConstraints the line p, q to the fixedPt by rotating p and q
 CRbdPointToArcConstraintConstrains an rigid body arc geometry to a point by computing the linear force and angular torque to get the arc to the point
 CRigidObjectObjectCollisionThis class defines a collision interaction between two RigidObjects This involves a RigidObjCH which will generate 2 way or 1 way constraints for the RigidBodyModel/s depending on which system they belong too
 CSceneBehaviourA SceneBehaviour represents a single component system that resides in the scene. It makes the assumption that all components used are updated with a double for deltaTime/time passed
 CSPHBoundaryConditionsClass that holds methods and members for boundary conditions
 CSPHModelSPH fluid model
 CSpotA spot light is a point light in a cone shape
 CSubdivideSurfaceMeshThis filter subidivdes the triangles of a SurfaceMesh into more smaller triangles
 CSurfaceInsertionConstraintConstrains a barycentric point on a surface mesh to a rigid body arc needle
 CThreadInsertionConstraintConstrains an point on a line mesh to a PBD surface mesh
 CTissueDataFlattened out with reference members
 CViewerBase class for viewer that manages render window and the renderers /// Creates backend-specific renderers on a per-scene basis. /// Contains user API to configure the rendering with various back-ends /// ```
 CVRCameraControlDefines a control scheme to move the camera with joysticks. Relative to world space with Y up. Left joystick look/rotate around Y, right joystick move along XZ, a,b up/down along Y
 CVTKChartRenderDelegateRender delegate to render graphs
 CvtkInteractorStyleVRVTK Interactor style for VR